Gladius for a Gladiator

Gladius for a Gladiator will be my very first Unity3D game. I've been experimenting with Unity3D for about 7-8 months by now, and wanted to really make a game.

The models in this game will be produced in Blender, and textured in Photoshop CS5. I'm not doing this alone, there are a few other people helping me with Gladius for a Gladiator.

I started this blog to raise money to invest in the game, hope you will donate!



Alpha release 0.0.1 - ALPHAMANIA

This week is a special week because we are releasing our first build of Gladius for a Gladiator!

This build includes all the previous made code and some tweaks we did over the past few weeks. The main purpose of this release is to find bugs in the code or glitches in the artwork of Gladius for a Gladiator. I hope we don't find an awful lot of rubbish in the code, but bugs are almost inevitable.

You can join the Alpha testers team, please give your e-mail address in the reactions below, and you will get the first build this week. Please read the README file very carefully, but most of all enjoy the game and let all your friends know about Gladius for a Gladiator!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to test your game :)
My Email ID :