Gladius for a Gladiator

Gladius for a Gladiator will be my very first Unity3D game. I've been experimenting with Unity3D for about 7-8 months by now, and wanted to really make a game.

The models in this game will be produced in Blender, and textured in Photoshop CS5. I'm not doing this alone, there are a few other people helping me with Gladius for a Gladiator.

I started this blog to raise money to invest in the game, hope you will donate!



Garden Temple? Mwah...

While adding and deleting all kinds of stuff in Gladius for a Gladiator, I began to realize I don't like the garden temple model. It is just not very realistic, and it's certainly no temple you would have found in the ancient roman empire. I deleted the model and replaced it by a ruin model that I found in the asset store.

Bye Garden Temple!

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