Gladius for a Gladiator

Gladius for a Gladiator will be my very first Unity3D game. I've been experimenting with Unity3D for about 7-8 months by now, and wanted to really make a game.

The models in this game will be produced in Blender, and textured in Photoshop CS5. I'm not doing this alone, there are a few other people helping me with Gladius for a Gladiator.

I started this blog to raise money to invest in the game, hope you will donate!



My first editor script

My old editor
The last few days I've been busy with coding my own editor script for our item database. The default editor that Unity3D offered was not working for me, so I decided to script one myself.

The tricky thing is that our item database consists of a list of classes. Unity does not support custom editor functions for lists, only for arrays. Luckily somebody in the Unity community hade the same problem and fixed it. He completely worked out the code and put it online. Big thanks to ForceX!

ForceX had a clever solution for the problem I had. He creates every value as a serialized object. This makes it easier to display using the EditorGUILayout.PropertyField() function.

My new editor
 My editor now supports an easy button for adding new items. You can easily add large amounts of items by adjusting the Database Size. The last item, usually the 'empty' items, can be deleted by clicking Delete Last. You can either show all items, or items from one certain type, for example only weapons. This editor is way better than the original editor Unity offered me.

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